DHS in the News

Journalists worldwide write about The DHS Program results. The dissemination of DHS, SPA and HIV data is often widely covered by media in survey countries, but journalists also use The DHS Program data throughout the year as background information for their stories, or to compare health and development indicators across countries. These data are also used by journalists in the United States and other developed countries, as it is considered the gold standard of population, health and nutrition data. Below are some examples of recent news coverage. Please note: The links below are to websites outside The DHS Program.

Mar 06, 2016
Men still call the shots despite women's progress

Dorothy Otieno
DAILY NATION (Nairobi, Kenya)

"...Nearly half (45 per cent) of women age between 15 and 49 and 44 per cent of men aged between 15 and 49 have experienced physical violence since 15 years of age. The main perpetrators of physical violence against women are husbands, whereas the main perpetrators against men are teachers and parents, according to the 2014 KDHS. Twice as many women as men have experienced sexual violence at least once in their lifetime..."

Mar 04, 2016
MAKAU: Please don't rob me of my childhood
CITIZEN TV (Nairobi, Kenya)

"...Kenya's 2014 Health and Demographic Survey paints a grim picture. A quarter of the women in Kenya are "married" by age 18..."

Feb 16, 2016
Climate change fertility and girls education
Homi Kharas

"...Does education really make that much of a difference to fertility rates, compared to other possible explanatory variables? Yes. Look at the graphs below, taken from the World Bank, to see how dramatic the difference is in some selected countries. The difference between 0 years of schooling and 12 years is almost 4 to 5 children per woman. While trends are for women to have lower fertility over time (perhaps through access to family planning) at each education level, the main driver of overall fertility reduction is clearly the change in proportions of women at each education level..."

Feb 08, 2016
India turns the tide on malnutrition
Anil Padmanabhan
LIVEMINT (New Delhi, India)

"...In the case of Madhya Pradesh, undernourished children less than five years dropped from nearly two in three children in 2005-06 to a little over two in five children in 2015-16. In the same period, the decline was from 55.9% to 43.9%..."

Feb 07, 2016
The degrading rite of passage
Albert Mwangeka
BARAKA FM (Nairobi, Kenya)

"...In Kenya, 21% of women age 15-49 have been circumcised. Female Genital Cutting (also known as female circumcision) is very regional and associated with ethnic group. The findings of the 2014 KDHS further state that the large majority (greater than 75%) of Somali, Samburu, Kisii and Maasai women are circumcised , compared to less than 2% of women in Luhya, Luo, Turkana and Mijikenda/ Swahili groups..."
