DHS in the News

Journalists worldwide write about The DHS Program results. The dissemination of DHS, SPA and HIV data is often widely covered by media in survey countries, but journalists also use The DHS Program data throughout the year as background information for their stories, or to compare health and development indicators across countries. These data are also used by journalists in the United States and other developed countries, as it is considered the gold standard of population, health and nutrition data. Below are some examples of recent news coverage. Please note: The links below are to websites outside The DHS Program.

Sep 08, 2014
Hidden in Plain Sight: A statistical analysis of violence against children

UNICEF (New York)

Interpersonal violence –in all its forms –has a grave effect on children: Violence undermines children's future potential;damages their physical, psychological and emotional well-being;and in many cases, ends their lives. The report sheds light on the prevalence of different forms of violence against children, with global figures and data from 190 countries. Where relevant, data are disaggregated by age and sex, to provide insights into risk and protective factors.

Aug 15, 2014
Nigeria: Demographic and Health Survey 2013


"This is perhaps a surprising publication for an environment and urban-focused journal to give attention to – since its 538 pages give almost no attention to environmental issues and little to urban issues. But if read carefully, it does have a wealth of statistics on health and demography for Nigeria’s urban population (although sadly with no disaggregation below this). It is also important in that demographic and health surveys end up being the main source of statistics on progress towards the Millennium Development Goals..."

Aug 15, 2014
Reporter's notebook: a not-so-grand tour of Ethopia's top hospital

Amy Walters
NPR (Washington, DC)

"...It was worse. Now, to be fair, all those things I said before are true. More babies are living through childbirth. Infant mortality has decreased by 39 percent in the past 15 years. But one in every 17 Ethiopian children still dies before turning 1, and one in every 11 children dies before age 5 [2011 Ethiopia DHS]. There's a ways to go..."

Aug 14, 2014
Generation 2030 Africa

High-fertility rates and rising numbers of women of reproductive age mean that given current trends, over the next 35 years nearly 2 billion babies will be born in Africa, the continent’s population will double in size, and its under-18 population will increase by two thirds, to almost a billion children. National action plans must adapt to these demographic shifts. Generation 2030 | Africa calls specifically for expanded access to reproductive health services, girls’ education and empowerment, and stronger civil registration and vital statistics systems.

Aug 12, 2014
Melinda Gates boosts fight against violence

Pascal Kwesiga and Nicholas Wassajja

"...According to the Uganda Demographic Health Survey 2011, 56% of women between the ages of 15 to 49 experience physical violence while 28% face sexual violence every year..."
