Press Releases

Oct 15, 2015
Ghana Demographic and Health Survey shows improvements in maternal and child health

Accra, Ghana –The results of the 2014 Ghana Demographic and Health Survey (GDHS) were officially launched today, 15 October, 2015, by the Government Statistician, Dr. Philomena Nyarko of the Ghana Statistical Service (GSS). The 2014 GDHS, the sixth DHS survey in Ghana, provides the Government of Ghana and international partners with reliable and up-to-date statistics on the health and welfare of the Ghanaian population.

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Oct 13, 2015
2016 DHS Fellows Program accepting applications until December 1 2015

ICF International is now accepting applications for the 2016 round of The Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) Fellows Program. The DHS Fellows Program, funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), is designed to increase the capacity of countries to conduct further analysis of DHS data.

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Sep 01, 2015
Malawi SPA Data Analysis Workshop

The DHS Program is seeking applications from universities, research institutes, the Ministry of Health, and non-governmental organizations in Malawi for a Service Provision Assessments (SPA) Data Analysis Workshop, to be held in Malawi from December 3 to 11, 2015. The workshop will teach participants to analyze the 2013-14 Malawi SPA (MSPA) data to address research questions related to delivery and quality of health services in Malawi. The content of the workshop will include SPA methodology, data files, survey sampling and weighting, data merging, variable recoding, linear/logistic regression, and data interpretation. Participants will work in teams of three people throughout the workshop to answer a pre-identified research question through analysis of the MSPA data. At the end of the workshop, each team will give a PowerPoint presentation to stakeholders outlining their final research questions, preliminary literature review, conceptual framework, key variables, analytical methods, preliminary analysis results, and policy implications.

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Jun 29, 2015
July 28 Webinar: Considerations when Linking DHS Household Data to Data on Health Facilities and Infrastructure

Rockville, Maryland

Join us on July 28, 2015 from 10-11am EST (UTC/GMT-4) for a webinar: Considerations when Linking DHS Household Data to Data on Health Facilities and Infrastructure. Panelists include: Clara R. Burgert, MPH GIS Coordinator; Wenjuan Wang, PhD Senior Technical Specialist; and Debra Prosnitz, MPH Technical Specialist. This webinar is designed for researchers & program staff who are familiar with DHS data, analysis &research methods. Prerequisite: Please read DHS Spatial Analysis Report 10 prior to the webinar. Free PDF available here. The focus of this webinar will be on the methodological and conceptual issues when linking DHS household data to facility data including appropriate research questions, operationalizing health facility and infrastructure data, and what conclusions can be drawn after linking data. Key questions include: How to use the DHS and SPA together to draw appropriate conclusions? What are the practical implications of linking DHS data to health facilities or other infrastructure? Please note: This webinar will not discuss the mechanics of how to link DHS household data to facility or infrastructure data within a GIS. 

Submit your questions by July 17th on the DHS Program User Forum under the topic "Linking DHS and Facility Data Webinar July 2015" here. Then join us live to hear the answers and discuss these topics with our experts in our Adobe Connect Room, here. The webinar will be recorded and posted on the User Forum for those who cannot join us live on July 28, 2015, and a summary of the questions and answers will be added to the User Forum for easy searching. Read more
May 13, 2015
Establishment of a Collaborative Group among the DHS MICS and LSMS

Establishment of a Collaborative Group among the DHS, MICS and LSMS

For decades, the three largest global household survey programs - the Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS), the Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys (MICS), and the Living Standards Measurement Study (LSMS) (supported by USAID, UNICEF, and the World Bank, respectively) – have played a critical role in supporting countries to generate high-quality data for tracking progress towards both global and national targets, and for formulating effective policies and programs to improve lives around the world. As the post-2015 agenda comes into focus, it is clear that these three programs will continue to serve as essential data sources as well as platforms for building survey capacity and fostering sustainability in host countries: key components towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals and an equitable Data Revolution. Read more