Press Releases

May 08, 2015
The DHS Program Webinar on Weighting June 3, 2015

Rockville, Maryland 

The DHS Program is pleased to announce the first-ever DHS analysis webinar at 10am EST (UTC/GMT-4) on June 3, 2015. This webinar is entitled "Analyzing DHS data: Weights and other adjustments for survey design." DHS analysis and sampling experts Dr. Tom Pullum, Dr. Ruilin Ren, and Dr. Mahmoud Elkasabi will be responding to data users' questions about sampling, weighting, and other survey adjustments. Read more
Mar 31, 2015
The DHS Program Regional Health Data Mapping Workshop

The USAID-funded DHS Program is searching for potential participants for a Regional Health Data Mapping Workshop. The workshop will be held from June 1-5, 2015 in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. The workshop will focus on the application of Geographic Information System (GIS) in public health, specifically using maps for better program and policy decision making. This will be a basic workshop that introduces participants to data concepts including management and cleaning of data in Excel, using maps as part of the decision making process, introduction to GIS concepts (including GPS data collection), and hands-on introduction to QGIS, an open source GIS software package. No previous experience with GIS software is required.

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Feb 10, 2015
Regional DHS and MIS Malaria Analysis Workshop Francophone

Atelier Régionale d'Analyse de Données des Enquêtes Démographiques et de Sante/Enquêtes d'Indicateurs du Paludisme (EDS/EIP) 
Dakar, Senegal 1-9 Juin 2015 

Le programme des enquêtes démographiques et de la santé (The Demographic and Health Surveys Program) souhaitait recevoir des demandes pour un atelier d'analyse de données du paludisme duré de 8 jours qui doit se tenir dans ou autour de Dakar, Sénégal, de la 1-9 Juin 2015.

Télécharger l'application ici >>
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Jan 27, 2015
Regional DHS and MIS Malaria Analysis Workshop

The DHS Program is pleased to announce an eight-day "Regional DHS/MIS Malaria Analysis" Workshop. The regional workshop will teach participants to analyze DHS/MIS data sets with a special focus on malaria data. The content of the workshop includes sampling/weighting of survey data, recoding variables, computation of malaria indicators, linear/logistic regression, and data use for decision making. Participants will work in teams of 2-3 people throughout the workshop to answer a pre-identified malaria-related research question through analysis of DHS/MIS data. The final product will be a draft of an abstract for submission to a scientific journal or conference.

Please see the attached application for more details. Applications are due no later than March 6, 2015. Questions regarding the workshop should be sent to Cameron Taylor (

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Jan 21, 2015
Ministry of Health Launches Results of First Health Facility Census in Malawi LILONGWE, Malawi–21 January, 2015. The majority of Malawian health facilities provide diagnosis and treatment for infectious diseases like HIV and malaria, but only half offer primary health care services such as child health, family planning, and antenatal care, according to the 2013-14 Malawi Service Provision Assessment (MSPA). The first census of all health care facilities in Malawi, the MSPA also reports that many facilities do not have electricity and essential equipment.  Read more