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The DHS Program's in-house Research and Analysis team conducts rigorous, timely, and innovative mixed-methods research on topics related to global public health, demography, and social epidemiology. Our team also trains, mentors, and closely collaborates with fellow researchers and stakeholders who are driven to utilize DHS Program surveys and other survey data to inform programs and policies in various countries and contexts.

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DHS Research Reports

Sep 2015

Creating Spatial Interpolation Surfaces with DHS Data

Improved understanding of sub-national geographic variation and inequity in demographic and health indicators is increasingly recognized as central to meeting development goals.

Topics: Geographic Information


Sep 2015

Geographic Variation in Key Indicators of Maternal and Child Health Across 27 Countries in Sub-Saharan Africa

While progress has been made in many areas of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), which expire in 2015, it appears that the maternal, newborn and child health goals (MDG 4 and 5) will not be universally achieved.

Topics: Child Health and Development, Geographic Information, Maternal Health


Sep 2015

Men and Contraception: Trends in Attitudes and Use

Using DHS data from 58 men’s surveys in 18 countries in Africa, Asia, and Latin America and the Caribbean, this analytical study describes current patterns and trends over time in multiple themes around men and contraception.

Topics: Family Planning


Sep 2015

Contraception Needed to Avoid High-Fertility-Risk Births, and Maternal and Child Deaths That Would Be Averted

This report estimates the number of maternal and child deaths that could be averted by satisfying the unmet need for contraception based on four high-risk fertility behavior categories, i.

Topics: Family Planning, Fertility and Fertility Preferences, Infant and Child Mortality, Maternal Mortality


Sep 2015

The Relationship between the Health Service Environment and Service Utilization: Linking Population Data to Health Facilities Data in Haiti and Malawi

Access to and quality of health services are key determinants in utilization of health services and consequently, health outcomes.

Topics: Child Health and Development, Family Planning, Geographic Information, HIV/AIDS, Malaria, Maternal Health


Sep 2015

Increasing Equity of Insecticide-Treated Net Ownership in Sub-Saharan Africa from 2003 to 2014

An increase in funding for malaria control in the past decade has resulted in a dramatic increase in ITN ownership and use in sub- Saharan Africa (SSA).

Topics: Malaria


Sep 2015

An Inventory of Alcohol-Related Questions in the Demographic and Health Surveys and an Analysis of Alcohol Use and Unsafe Sex in Sub-Saharan Africa

This report provides an overview of DHS survey questions related to alcohol consumption and an analysis of outcomes from these questions in DHS surveys.

Topics: HIV/AIDS


Sep 2015

Uptake and Discontinuation of Long-Acting Reversible Contraceptives (LARCs) in Low-Income Countries

Long-acting reversible contraceptive (LARC) methods—intrauterine devices (IUDs), implants, and injectables—together comprise a growing share of contraceptive use in low- income countries.

Topics: Family Planning, Fertility and Fertility Preferences


Sep 2015

Quality of Care in Family Planning Services at Health Facilities in Senegal

Analysis of quality of care in family planning services in Senegal was conducted using data from two rounds of the Senegal Service Provision Assessment (SPA) surveys of 2012-2013 and 2014.

Topics: Family Planning


Sep 2015

An Assessment of the Quality of DHS Anthropometric Data, 2005-2014

This methodological report examines the quality of anthropometric data from 52 DHS surveys conducted between 2005 and 2014.

Topics: Child Health and Development, Nutrition