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The DHS Program's in-house Research and Analysis team conducts rigorous, timely, and innovative mixed-methods research on topics related to global public health, demography, and social epidemiology. Our team also trains, mentors, and closely collaborates with fellow researchers and stakeholders who are driven to utilize DHS Program surveys and other survey data to inform programs and policies in various countries and contexts.

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DHS Research Reports

Sep 2013

Guidelines on the Use of DHS GPS Data

Spatial Analysis combines the detailed geographic data collected in the DHS surveys with other DHS or 3rd party data to provide geographic analysis of key demographic and health topics..

Topics: Geographic Information


Sep 2013

Determinants of the Duration of Birth Intervals in Tanzania: Regional Contrasts and Temporal Trends

The duration of birth intervals has received attention in demography and public health research because of its implication for fertility and for maternal and child health.

Topics: Family Planning


Sep 2013

Spousal Violence and HIV: Exploring the Linkages in Five Sub-Saharan African Countries

A consensus has emerged that intimate partner violence contributes to women’s vulnerability to HIV.

Topics: Domestic Violence, HIV/AIDS


Sep 2013

Preventing Malaria during Pregnancy in Sub-Saharan Africa: Determinants of Effective IPTp Delivery

IPTp of at least two doses of sulphadoxine- pyrimethamine (SP), administered at ANC visits, is an effective malaria prevention intervention.

Topics: Malaria


Sep 2013

HIV Prevalence Patterns by Age and Sex: Exploring Differences among 19 Countries

Parameters of interest in estimating model- based projections of HIV prevalence include HIV incidence patterns by age, which we express as HIV incidence in an age group relative to HIV incidence in age 25-29.

Topics: HIV/AIDS


Sep 2013

Contextual Influences of Modern Contraceptive Use among Rural Women in Rwanda and Nepal

This study takes a multilevel approach to identify determinants of women’s use of modern contraceptives in Nepal and Rwanda.

Topics: Family Planning


Sep 2013

Cost-Effectiveness of Integrating PMTCT and MNCH Services: An Application of the LiST Model for Malawi, Mozambique, and Uganda

Integrating health care services is thought to result in both cost savings and better outcomes through improving efficiency, quality, uptake and effectiveness of services.

Topics: HIV/AIDS


Aug 2013

Indicators of Trends in Fertility in Sub-Saharan Africa

The main objective of this study is to evaluate the relative importance of the factors associated with the decline of fertility in sub-Saharan Africa.

Topics: Fertility and Fertility Preferences


Jul 2013

Costing the Standard Days Method

The Standard Days Method (SDM) has been part of the family planning modern method mix for over a decade, and countries are gradually incorporating SDM into national family planning norms, policies, and programs.

Topics: Family Planning


Jul 2013

Tobacco Use by Men and Women in 49 Countries with Demographic and Health Surveys

This report examines the prevalence of current cigarette smoking and tobacco use among women and men in 49 developing countries.

Topics: Household and Respondent Characteristics