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Research and Further Analysis

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The DHS Program's in-house Research and Analysis team conducts rigorous, timely, and innovative mixed-methods research on topics related to global public health, demography, and social epidemiology. Our team also trains, mentors, and closely collaborates with fellow researchers and stakeholders who are driven to utilize DHS Program surveys and other survey data to inform programs and policies in various countries and contexts.

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DHS Research Reports

Dec 2008

An Assessment of the Quality of Data on Health and Nutrition in the DHS Surveys, 1993-2003

The purpose of this methodological report is to provide an overview of the quality of the maternal and child health data collected during DHS III and MEASURE DHS+.

Topics: Child Health and Development, Maternal Health, Nutrition


Nov 2008

Incontinence Data from the Demographic and Health Surveys: Comparative Analysis of a Proxy Measurement of Vaginal Fistula and Recommendations for Future Population-Based Data Collection

This report represents an effort to begin to fill the gaps in knowledge about the prevalence and covariates of fistula.

Topics:  --


Oct 2008

Understanding Women's Empowerment: A Comparative Analysis of Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) Data

This report examines the distribution and correlates of two different dimensions of the empowerment of currently married women age 15- 49 in 23 developing countries.

Topics: Gender


Oct 2008

Medical Injection Use and HIV in Sub-Saharan Africa

This report describes the extent of use of medical injections and blood transfusions, characteristics of medical injection users, and associated knowledge and perceptions about how to avoid HIV infection among adult women and men in 10 sub-Saharan African countries.

Topics: HIV/AIDS


Sep 2008

Fertility Changes in Sub-Saharan Africa

The study provides an overview on fertility trends in Africa in the second part of the century.

Topics: Fertility and Fertility Preferences


Sep 2008

Integrating Family Planning and VCT Services in Ethiopia: Experiences of Health Care Providers

This study was undertaken primarily to understand what effect the efforts to integrate family planning and VCT services in health facilities had on health care providers' work and service delivery practices in two regions of Ethiopia: Oromia and Amhara.

Topics: Family Planning


Sep 2008

Social Context of Disclosing HIV Test Results: HIV Testing in Tanzania

This study examined the circumstances and social contexts in which individuals in Tanzania were tested and counseled for HIV, and patterns in disclosure of test results to partners, family, and friends.

Topics: HIV/AIDS


Sep 2008

A New Approach to Estimating Abortion Rates

This paper presents a method to estimate induced abortion rates in different countries based mainly on regression equations featuring contraceptive prevalence and total fertility.

Topics:  --


Sep 2008

Orphans and Vulnerable Children in High HIV-Prevalence Countries in Sub-Saharan Africa

This study provides estimates of the size and distribution of orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) in eight sub-Saharan African countries with relatively high HIV prevalence (Cameroon, Cote d’Ivoire, Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, Tanzania, Uganda, and Zimbabwe), and assesses their situation over several dimensions including schooling and health care.

Topics: HIV/AIDS


Sep 2008

HIV and Nutrition among Women in Sub-Saharan Africa

In the absence of antiretroviral therapy (ART), HIV-positive people will lose weight and eventually become wasted or severely underweight.

Topics: HIV/AIDS, Nutrition