Survey Datasets Files

Nicaragua: Standard DHS, 1998
This page shows a listing of all dataset files available for the selected survey.
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Survey Datasets
File Name File Size File Format
Births Recode 4.73 MB Stata dataset (.dta) 5.16 MB Flat ASCII data (.dat) 7.08 MB SAS dataset (.sas7bdat) 7.42 MB SPSS dataset (.sav)
Couples' Recode
NCCR31DT.ZIP 1.33 MB Stata dataset (.dta)
NCCR31FL.ZIP 1.47 MB Flat ASCII data (.dat)
NCCR31SD.ZIP 1.68 MB SAS dataset (.sas7bdat)
NCCR31SV.ZIP 1.44 MB SPSS dataset (.sav)
Household Recode
NCHR31DT.ZIP 1.27 MB Stata dataset (.dta)
NCHR31FL.ZIP 1.45 MB Flat ASCII data (.dat)
NCHR31SD.ZIP 1.90 MB SAS dataset (.sas7bdat)
NCHR31SV.ZIP 1.30 MB SPSS dataset (.sav)
Height and Weight Scores - WHO Child Growth Standards
NCHW31.ZIP 90.8 KB Hierarchical ASCII data (.dat)
NCHW31DT.ZIP 86.1 KB Stata dataset (.dta)
NCHW31FL.ZIP 92.6 KB Flat ASCII data (.dat)
NCHW31SD.ZIP 97.4 KB SAS dataset (.sas7bdat)
NCHW31SV.ZIP 92.9 KB SPSS dataset (.sav)
Individual Recode
NCIR31.ZIP 8.13 MB Hierarchical ASCII data (.dat)
NCIR31DT.ZIP 5.94 MB Stata dataset (.dta)
NCIR31FL.ZIP 5.98 MB Flat ASCII data (.dat)
NCIR31SD.ZIP 9.20 MB SAS dataset (.sas7bdat)
NCIR31SV.ZIP 6.11 MB SPSS dataset (.sav)
Children's Recode
NCKR31DT.ZIP 3.30 MB Stata dataset (.dta)
NCKR31FL.ZIP 3.55 MB Flat ASCII data (.dat)
NCKR31SD.ZIP 4.32 MB SAS dataset (.sas7bdat)
NCKR31SV.ZIP 3.94 MB SPSS dataset (.sav)
Men's Recode
NCMR31.ZIP 763 KB Hierarchical ASCII data (.dat)
NCMR31DT.ZIP 627 KB Stata dataset (.dta)
NCMR31FL.ZIP 694 KB Flat ASCII data (.dat)
NCMR31SD.ZIP 828 KB SAS dataset (.sas7bdat)
NCMR31SV.ZIP 706 KB SPSS dataset (.sav)
Household Member Recode
NCPR31DT.ZIP 1.30 MB Stata dataset (.dta)
NCPR31FL.ZIP 1.46 MB Flat ASCII data (.dat)
NCPR31SD.ZIP 1.93 MB SAS dataset (.sas7bdat)
NCPR31SV.ZIP 2.65 MB SPSS dataset (.sav)
Wealth Index
NCWI31.ZIP 75.5 KB Hierarchical ASCII data (.dat)
NCWI31DT.ZIP 63.6 KB Stata dataset (.dta)
NCWI31FL.ZIP 76.0 KB Flat ASCII data (.dat)
NCWI31SD.ZIP 83.7 KB SAS dataset (.sas7bdat)
NCWI31SV.ZIP 99.2 KB SPSS dataset (.sav)